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Batavia High School

Superintendent’s Update: Friday, February 28, 2025

Posted Date: 2/28/25 (4:00 PM)

Dear Batavia Families and Community,

It appears we are still in the doldrums of winter, but there have been many exciting events happening across our schools!

As I write this update on Wednesday, February 26:

  • Our sports teams are in the throes of winter sectional playoffs, and good luck to our BHS Boys Basketball playing tonight at 5:30 pm at home, and our BND United Ice Hockey team playing for the Sectional Championship Monday at 7:30 pm at RIT. 

  • We are celebrating 100 days of school at our elementary schools—it’s always an impressive annual accomplishment!

  • Guest readers from our local Kiwanis Club and Key Club will be celebrating Read Across America next week.

  • Our Boys and Girls Indoor Track team won sectionals, with several of our student-athletes competing tonight at State Qualifiers!

  • Our Board of Education approved and accepted roof bids for Phase I of our capital project, which came in under budget—always good news!

  • In cooperation with the City of Batavia, we have jointly purchased speed radar signs placed around the city, with plans to purchase more as needed.

  • Our school calendar for the 2025-2026 school year has been approved and may be found here

  • The transition back to locker use at BHS has been smooth, and students no longer need to carry backpacks between classes.

Here is a simple but important reminder: schools exist for learning. While it seems like a simple concept, we often get innocently distracted. Our district staff is strongly committed to this fundamental purpose and continually engages in the Professional Learning Communities process across our schools. Teachers and principals meet together regularly to review student data and progress, key learning outcomes, and to share best instructional practices. 

March is traditionally the most challenging month of the school year. I encourage families to remind students of the importance of good behavior, staying focused on academics, and putting forth their best effort—always with a focus on LEARNING!

Thank you for your continued support.

Jason A. Smith

Superintendent of Schools

585-343-2480, ext 1000