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Batavia High School

Early Release - Thursday, March 6

Posted Date: 3/03/25 (9:41 PM)

Dear BCSD Families, 

This Thursday, March 6, we will be conducting a required “Emergency Go Home Drill” for all BCSD students. The drill is for our school buildings only, not for students in placements outside the district.

The drill is designed to test our response system in the event of an actual emergency.

Student dismissal will be 15 minutes earlier than usual.  

Below are the dismissal times for Thursday, March 6:

Batavia High School: 2:28 PM
Batavia Middle School: 2:30 PM
John Kennedy Intermediate: 2:35 PM
Jackson Primary: 2:15 PM
Robert Morris: 1:50 PM

For students who ride the bus, the bus company will be picking up students at this earlier time.  

All other student activities and practices are not affected, and they will proceed at their scheduled times.

For any questions, please reach out to your student's Main Office. 

Batavia High School: 585-343-2480, ext 2000
Batavia Middle School: 585-343-2480, ext 3000
John Kennedy Intermediate: 585-343-2480, ext 5000
Jackson Primary: 585-343-2480, ext 4000
Robert Morris: 585-343-2480, ext 6000

Thank you for your cooperation. 


Jason Smith